Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Freedom Writers

I was really excited when I learned that we were going to be watching Freedom Writers in Class on Monday. It is one of my favourit movies of all time and for me it never gets old. I have probably seen this movie eighteen times and it has a different effect on me every time, but it had a very special effect on me when I watched it in my Culture and Diversity class. We were to watch it and put ourselves in Erin Gruwells shoes, too look at it as if we were working with these kids as a CYW. I have never watched the movie with that mindset before and it seemed like a completely different movie to me, I felt all of her struggle and success as if it were my own.
I can honestly say that Erin Gruwell is one of my heros, even though she wasn't a CYW she did something that I can only dream about right now. I hope that I can eventually make a difference and impact on people I work with the same way she did. I am so amazed by her and what she did I did a little extra research and found out she had written an autobiography:Teach with Your Heart: Lessons I Learned from the Freedom Writers.
I was able to read a preview of it online and was hooked from only a couple paragraphs. There was also a section were people had rated the book and left comments. The response it has gotten was amazing and I plan to find and read this book in the very near future. The movie is great it really looks at the kids and the struggles and things they overcome. But now I am really intersted in finding out the story from Erins perspective and the lessons she was able to learn from the kids she did so much for.