Tuesday 15 November 2011

Week 2 Presentations

This week in class we had more presentations and we got to learn about African Canadians, Muslim faith, and Jewish faith. All of these presentations were great and I learned things that I never would have known but the one that stuck in my minnd was the presentation on Muslim faith. This presentation was really well done and I couldn't stop listening I just wanted them to keep talking so I could learn more. I really loved hearing about the prayers that Muslims do and how important it is to them, and that unlike us their church days are on Fridays. I also loved how things got turned around so much with the information that we were presented with. A lot of people have opinions and views on Muslim faith and it's mostly because they don't understand, I loved learning that the women of Muslim faith are very empowered. That they only have to be covered head to toe in their Hijabs when they go outside of their homes. Before this presentation I would have never known any of this or the reasons why they pray or why they dress the way they do. This presentation really impacted me in a posotive way and it will stay in my mind for quite sometime and this will be very helpful to me in the future as a CYW. The population of Muuslims in Ontario is quitte large and the chances of me eventually working with families of Muslim faith anre quite large. This presentation has opend my mind towards this faith and expanded my knowledge and so in the future if I do ever work with a family of Muslim faith I will be able to understand their religion and respect it as I should. I am really looking forward to hearing all of the other presentations and hope to be impacted by the others as much as I was with this one.

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