Monday 28 November 2011

New immigrants/Biracial families

Last week in class there were two presentations that I really enjoyed listening too and learning more about. The presentations on new immigrants and biracial families really stood out for me.. This is because these types of families are becoming more comon and not just within cities but in smaller communities as well. I really enjoyed hearing about all of the struggles they have to overcome; for new immigrants there is a lot of paperwork (test) that has to be done which I would imagine that can be very stressful. Espicailly when they want to move to a new country for a better life or to join their families that may have already immigrated. Biracial families have also have a lot of stuggles that I never actually new about, they have a lot of stigma to deal with and some opinions from people that it's not right.. I was kind of aware of these things but never thought much of it because that was not my personal opinion in my eyes there is nothing wrong with biracial families.. But after the information I recieved from listening to the presentation I realized that they have so much to deal with and it can really effect the family in a negative way.. After hearing these presentations I have a little more confidence wiht knowing that I am eventually going to have to work with these types of families as a CYW.. I am going to be able to understand a little more what kinds of things they will have to face in their every day and I can  now be more of a help to them with what they might need.. I really enjoyed these presentations and really believe that they have prepared me the most for situations i might come across in the future.

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