Monday 5 December 2011

In today's class we had an amazing guest speaker; Erin from Sir James Whitney and he came to talk to us about the deaf community. It was amazing to see him talk to us because he was so enthusiastic about everything he was saying and had such a great sence of humor, I was engaged from beggingin to end. I loved hearing all of the accomplishments that he has made in his life and certain things that he has had to overcome over the years. The whole time I was listening to him talk abou the recourcces for people today who are deaf i couldn't help but wish it had been like this much longer ago. My mom is deaf and when she was younger it was so uncommon that the teachers and parents said she was stupid and didn't listen, they didn't take her seriously when she was telling them that she could not hear. My mother does not know any sign language, she had to learn to lip read her entire life because there was nothing available to her. She does have some hearing today because she has had titanium ear drums put in, so it is a lot easier for her to do everyday things now. I just really connected to this topic and thought the entire time how much my mom would have benefited from having a resources, a school like Sir James Whitney and someone like Erin. After todays class I am seriously thinking about looking into learning sign because it will only better prepare myself for the future; if I want to possibly work at a place like Sir James Whitney, or if I have clients who are deaf themselves who have parents/siblings who are. Having Erin as a guest speaker has made  avery strong impact on my learning in the best way and has really made me want to better myself so I can reach out to different communities.

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